Thursday, May 6, 2010

Stop smoking, do not use nicotine substitutes!

Why would you use more poison to help you get rid of your addiction, a smoking addiction is more psychological than physical, replacing the nicotine from cigarettes with nicotine from substitutes wont change the mental state that causes the cravings.
So why should you feed your body more nicotine????? Smoking is more a mental addiction so do not waste your money on nicotine substitutes, try reading Allen Carr´s book it helped me and others stop smoking the easy way, don´t be afraid just do it!!

Don´t be fooled by what these products promise you:
Your chances of giving up smoking are doubled when using nicotine replacement therapy in comparison to using a placebo.
Do not cease treatment prematurely as this will decrease your chances of success.

Don´t believe it, it is just big business, it is expensive and you don´t need it!

Do not waste your money buying these products:

Patch (transdermal nicotine patches):
Purpose : The patch is an adhesive plaster containing nicotine. Applied simply and discreetly once a day, the patch diffuses controlled quantities of nicotine through the skin. Ideal for smokers with a regular habit.

Purpose : Nicotine chewing gums release controlled quantities of nicotine in the mouth. That are absorbed directly through the mucous membrane. The nicotine that is swallowed is not absorbed as the liver destroys it. Maximum nicotine levels in the blood (7-8 NG/ML) are reached some 30 minutes after chewing begins, this is a lot slower and a lot lower than the nicotine levels attained through smoking (20-25 NG/ML in about 5 minutes.).

Purpose: Placed under the tongue, micro- tablets melt slowly, releasing controlled quantities of nicotine in the mouth. These tablets are discreet and can be used at any time.

Purpose : Lozenges are a more discrete alternative to chewing gum.

Purpose: Inhalers help combat both nicotine addiction and the behaviour associated with smoking. They reduce the craving for cigarettes and mimic the process of inhaling cigarette smoke.

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